Scoring Full Text and Semantic Search on Chunk Sizes from 100 to 2000 Tokens

information retrieval
In this blog post, I run retrieval on three differently preprocessed datasets using four retrieval methods from chunk sizes 100 to 2000 tokens, using my fastbook-benchmark dataset to auto-score the results. Surprisingly, full text search yields the best MRR@10 (0.67) and Recall@10 (0.95) for a chunk size of 2000 tokens.

Vishal Bakshi


November 29, 2024


pip installs and imports
!pip install sentence-transformers -Uqq
!pip install -qq RAGatouille
!pip install ftfy -qq

import sqlite3
import json
import re
import os
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ftfy import fix_text
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from ragatouille import RAGPretrainedModel
from import CorpusProcessor

corpus_processor = CorpusProcessor()
emb_model = SentenceTransformer("BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5")
Download chapter ipynb files
urls = {
    '01_intro.ipynb': '',
    '02_production.ipynb': '',
    '04_mnist_basics.ipynb': '',
    '08_collab.ipynb': '',
    '09_tabular.ipynb': '',
    '10_nlp.ipynb': '',
    '13_convolutions.ipynb': ''

def download_file(url, filename):
    # Send a GET request to the URL
    response = requests.get(url)

    # Check if the request was successful
    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Open the file in write-binary mode
        with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
            # Write the content of the response to the file
        print(f"File downloaded successfully: {filename}")
        print(f"Failed to download file. Status code: {response.status_code}")

for fname, url in urls.items():
  download_file(url, fname)
File downloaded successfully: 01_intro.ipynb
File downloaded successfully: 02_production.ipynb
File downloaded successfully: 04_mnist_basics.ipynb
File downloaded successfully: 08_collab.ipynb
File downloaded successfully: 09_tabular.ipynb
File downloaded successfully: 10_nlp.ipynb
File downloaded successfully: 13_convolutions.ipynb
nbs dict
nbs = {
    '1': '01_intro.ipynb',
    '2': '02_production.ipynb',
    '4': '04_mnist_basics.ipynb',
    '8': '08_collab.ipynb',
    '9': '09_tabular.ipynb',
    '10': '10_nlp.ipynb',
    '13': '13_convolutions.ipynb'
load questions
url = ''
questions = pd.read_csv(url).query("is_answerable == 1")[["chapter", "question_number", "question_text", "answer", "keywords"]]

# remove double quotations from the question text
# as these affect embeddings/cosine similarity:
questions['question_text'] = questions['question_text'].str.strip('"\'')
assert questions.shape == (191,5)
download fastbook-benchmark

def load_benchmark():
    # Load the benchmark data
    with open('fastbook-benchmark.json', 'r') as f:
        benchmark = json.load(f)
    return benchmark

benchmark = load_benchmark()
assert len(benchmark['questions']) == 191
File downloaded successfully: fastbook-benchmark.json
calculate_mrr function
def calculate_mrr(question, retrieved_passages, cutoff=10):
    retrieved_passages = retrieved_passages[:cutoff]
    highest_rank = 0

    for ans_comp in question["answer_context"]:
        contexts = ans_comp.get("context", [])
        component_found = False

        for rank, passage in enumerate(retrieved_passages, start=1):
            if any(fix_text(context) in fix_text(passage) for context in contexts):
                highest_rank = max(highest_rank, rank)
                component_found = True

        if not component_found:
            return 0.0

    return 1.0/highest_rank if highest_rank > 0 else 0.0
calculate_recall function
def calculate_recall(question, retrieved_passages, cutoff=10):
    retrieved_passages = retrieved_passages[:cutoff]

    # Track if we've found at least one context for each answer component
    ans_comp_found = []

    for ans_comp in question["answer_context"]:
        contexts = ans_comp.get("context", [])
        found = False

        # Check if any context for this answer component appears in retrieved passages
        for passage in retrieved_passages:
            if any(fix_text(context) in fix_text(passage) for context in contexts):
                found = True


    # Recall is ratio of answer components with at least one found context
    return sum(ans_comp_found) / len(ans_comp_found)
load_data function
def load_data(chunks, db_path, chapter=1):
        # create virtual table if database doesn't exist
        if not os.path.exists(db_path):
            with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as conn:
              cur = conn.cursor()
              CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fastbook_text
              USING FTS5(chapter, text);

        # load in the chunks for each chapter
        with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as conn:
            cur = conn.cursor()

            for chunk in chunks:
                cur.execute("INSERT INTO fastbook_text(chapter, text) VALUES (?, ?)", (chapter, chunk))

            res = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fastbook_text WHERE chapter = ?", (chapter,)).fetchall()
        # make sure all the data was loaded into the database
        if len(res) != len(chunks):
            raise ValueError(f"Number of inserted chunks ({len(res)}) doesn't match input chunks ({len(chunks)})")

        return True

    except sqlite3.Error as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
        return False
db_search function
def db_search(df, limit=1):
  results = []
  with sqlite3.connect('fastbook.db') as conn:
    cur = conn.cursor()
    # concatenate the keywords into a string "keyword1 OR keyword 2 OR keyword3 ..."
    for _, row in df.iterrows():
      keywords = ' OR '.join([f'"{keyword.strip(",")}"' for keyword in row['keywords'].replace('"', '').split()])

      q = f"""
        SELECT text, rank
        FROM fastbook_text
        WHERE fastbook_text MATCH ?
        AND chapter = ?
        ORDER BY rank
        LIMIT ?
      res = cur.execute(q, (keywords, str(row['chapter']), limit)).fetchall()
      # grab the retrieved chunk from the query results
      res = [item[0] for item in res]

      # if there are multiple chunks retrieved, combine them into a single string

    return results
fts_retrieval function
def fts_retrieval(data, df, chunk_size):
    if os.path.exists("fastbook.db"):

    for chapter, chunks in data.items():
        documents = corpus_processor.process_corpus(chunks, chunk_size=chunk_size)
        documents = [doc['content'] for doc in documents]
        assert load_data(documents, 'fastbook.db', chapter)

    results = db_search(df, limit=10)
    assert len(results) == 191

    for res in results:
        assert len(res) <= 10

    return results
single_vector_retrieval function
def single_vector_retrieval(data, benchmark, chunk_size):
    # Group questions by chapter
    questions = {}
    for q in benchmark["questions"]:
        chapter = str(q["chapter"])
        if chapter not in questions:
            questions[chapter] = []

    q_embs = {}
    for chapter, _ in data.items():
        qs = questions[chapter]
        q_embs[chapter] = emb_model.encode(qs, convert_to_tensor=True)

    results = []
    for chapter, chunks in data.items():
        # chunk chapter text
        documents = corpus_processor.process_corpus(chunks, chunk_size=chunk_size)
        documents = [doc['content'] for doc in documents]

        # Embed documents
        data_embs = emb_model.encode(documents, convert_to_tensor=True)

        # Compute cosine similarity and get top 10 indices for each row
        idxs = F.cosine_similarity(q_embs[chapter].unsqueeze(1), data_embs.unsqueeze(0), dim=2).sort(descending=True)[1]
        top_10_idxs = idxs[:, :10]  # Get the top 10 indices for each row

        # Extract top 10 chunks for each row
        top_10_chunks = [
            [documents[idx.item()] for idx in row_idxs]
            for row_idxs in top_10_idxs

    assert len(results) == 191

    for res in results:
        assert len(res) <= 10

    return results
index_free_retrieval function
def index_free_retrieval(data, model_nm, chunk_size, benchmark):
    questions_by_chapter = {}
    for q in benchmark["questions"]:
        chapter = str(q["chapter"])
        if chapter not in questions_by_chapter:
            questions_by_chapter[chapter] = []

    # Dictionary to store results per chapter
    chapter_results = {}

    # Process each chapter separately
    for chapter in nbs.keys():
        # instantiate new RAG object
        RAG = RAGPretrainedModel.from_pretrained(model_nm)

        # Get questions for this chapter
        chapter_questions = questions_by_chapter[chapter]

        # encode chapter documents
        documents = corpus_processor.process_corpus(data[chapter], chunk_size=chunk_size)
        RAG.encode([x['content'] for x in documents], document_metadatas=[{"chapter": chapter} for _ in range(len(documents))])

        # Perform retrieval for each question in this chapter
        results = []
        for q in chapter_questions:
            top_k = min(10, len(documents))
            retrieved = RAG.search_encoded_docs(query = q["question_text"].strip('"\''), k=top_k)

        # Store results
        chapter_results[chapter] = results

    results = []
    for chapter, res in chapter_results.items():

    assert len(results) == 191

    final_results = []
    for res in results:
        assert len(res) <= 10
        intermediate_results = [r['content'] for r in res]

    assert len(final_results) == 191
    return final_results
do_retrieval function
def do_retrieval(method, chunk_size, data, benchmark, questions=None, benchmark_results=None):
  if method == "bm25": results = fts_retrieval(data, questions, chunk_size)
  if method == "single_vector": results = single_vector_retrieval(data, benchmark, chunk_size)
  if method == "colbertv2": results = index_free_retrieval(data=data, model_nm="colbert-ir/colbertv2.0", chunk_size=chunk_size, benchmark=benchmark)
  if method == "answerai_colbert": results = index_free_retrieval(data=data, model_nm="answerdotai/answerai-colbert-small-v1", chunk_size=chunk_size, benchmark=benchmark)

  #name = f"{method}_{chunking_strategy}"
  q_mrr, q_recall = score_retrieval(results, benchmark)
  #benchmark_results = save_results(results, benchmark_results, q_mrr, q_recall, name=name)

  return pd.Series(q_mrr).mean(), pd.Series(q_recall).mean()
score_retrieval function
def score_retrieval(results, benchmark):
    q_mrr = []
    q_recall = []

    for i, question in enumerate(benchmark["questions"]):
        mrr = calculate_mrr(question, results[i], cutoff=10)
        recall = calculate_recall(question, results[i], cutoff=10)

    assert len(q_mrr) == len(benchmark["questions"])
    assert len(q_recall) == len(benchmark["questions"])

    return q_mrr, q_recall
save_results function
def save_results(results, df, q_mrr, q_recall, name):
    flat_results = []
    for res in results:

    assert len(flat_results) == 191

    df[f'{name}_retrieval'] = flat_results
    df[f'{name}_mrr10'] = q_mrr
    df[f'{name}_recall10'] = q_recall

    return df
notebook_to_string function
def notebook_to_string(path):
  with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    notebook = json.load(f)

  all_text = ''
  found_questionnaire = False

  for cell in notebook['cells']:
    if cell['cell_type'] == 'markdown' and any('## Questionnaire' in line for line in cell['source']):
      found_questionnaire = True

    if cell['cell_type'] in ['markdown', 'code']:
      all_text += ''.join(cell['source']) + '\n'
  return all_text
chunk_string function
def chunk_string(text, n):
    """Split text into n chunks."""
    skip = int(len(text) / n)
    return [text[i:i + skip] for i in range(0, len(text), skip)]
clean_html function
def clean_html(text):
    # Step 1: Temporarily replace double-bracketed content with a placeholder
    import uuid
    placeholder = f"PLACEHOLDER_{uuid.uuid4()}"
    double_bracketed = re.findall(r'<<[^>]*>>', text)
    step1 = re.sub(r'<<[^>]*>>', placeholder, text)

    # Step 2: Remove HTML tags
    step2 = re.sub(r'<[/]?[a-zA-Z][^>]*>', '', step1)

    # Step 3: Restore double-bracketed content
    if double_bracketed:
        step3 = step2.replace(placeholder, double_bracketed[0])
        return step3
    return step2
remove_punctuation function
def remove_punctuation(text):
    import string
    return ''.join(char if char.isalnum() else ' ' if char in string.punctuation else char for char in text)
process_contexts function
def process_contexts(data):
    # Process questions
    for question in data['questions']:
        # Process only answer_context
        if 'answer_context' in question:
            for context_item in question['answer_context']:
                if 'context' in context_item:
                    if isinstance(context_item['context'], list):
                        # If context is a list, process each string in the list
                        context_item['context'] = [
                            remove_punctuation(text) if text else text
                            for text in context_item['context']
                    elif isinstance(context_item['context'], str):
                        # If context is a single string, process it directly
                        context_item['context'] = remove_punctuation(context_item['context'])

    return data


In this notebook, I evaluate four retrieval methods on my fastbook-benchmark dataset using various chunk sizes:

  • Full text search (using sqlite and Claude-generated keywords).
  • Single-vector cosine similarity (using SentenceTransformer("BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5")).
  • ColBERTv2 (using ragatouille).
  • answerai-colbert-small-v1 (ragatouille).

For each retrieval method, I’m looking to find the best MRR@10 and Recall@10 for three chunk size ranges:

  • Small: 100-500 tokens
  • Medium: 500-1000 tokens
  • Large: 1000+ tokens

I chose these ranges based on trends I saw during some experiments I ran with ColBERTv2 and answerai-colbert-small-v1 for a chunk size range of 100-3000 tokens.

I’m using corpus_processor.process_corpus for chunking.

Data Preprocessing

For each retrieval method/chunk size combination, I’ll preprocess my data three ways:

  • No preprocessing.
  • Remove HTML tags.
  • Remove punctuation.

Note that in each case, I am first converting the .ipynb for each chapter into a single string and splitting them into 2-3 chunks since for full-length texts were causing OOM during ColBERTv2 encoding.

Prep no preprocessing dataset
data_no_pp = {}
n_chars = 0

for chapter, nb in nbs.items():
    data_no_pp[chapter] = chunk_string(notebook_to_string(nb), 2)
    for c in data_no_pp[chapter]:
        n_chars += len(c)

assert n_chars == 503769
Prep no HTML dataset
data_no_html = {}

n_chars = 0
for chapter, nb in nbs.items():
    data_no_html[chapter] = chunk_string(notebook_to_string(nb), 2)
    for c in data_no_html[chapter]:
        n_chars += len(c)

assert n_chars == 503769

n_chars = 0
for chapter, chunks in data_no_html.items():
    data_no_html[chapter] = [clean_html(chunk) for chunk in chunks]
    for string in data_no_html[chapter]: n_chars += len(string)

assert n_chars == 493604
Prep no punctuation dataset
data_no_punc = {}

n_chars = 0
for chapter, nb in nbs.items():
    data_no_punc[chapter] = chunk_string(notebook_to_string(nb), 2)
    for c in data_no_punc[chapter]:
        n_chars += len(c)

assert n_chars == 503769

n_chars = 0
for chapter, chunks in data_no_punc.items():
    data_no_punc[chapter] = [remove_punctuation(chunk) for chunk in chunks]
    for string in data_no_punc[chapter]: n_chars += len(string)

# we are replacing punctuation with single space so n_chars doesn't change
assert n_chars == 503769

Benchmark Dataset

benchmark = load_benchmark()
assert len(benchmark['questions']) == 191

processed_benchmark = process_contexts(benchmark)
assert len(processed_benchmark['questions']) == 191

Running Retrieval (100-2000 token chunks)

from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive

Data: No Preprocessing

results = []

for method in ["bm25", "single_vector", "colbertv2", "answerai_colbert"]:
  for chunk_size in range(100, 2100, 100):
    mrr, recall = do_retrieval(method, chunk_size, data_no_pp, load_benchmark(), questions)
    results.append(('no preprocessing', method, chunk_size, mrr, recall))

df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['data', 'method', 'chunk_size', 'MRR@10', 'Recall@10'])
df.to_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-11-29-fastbook-benchmark-results_no preprocessing.csv", index=False)

Data: No HTML Tags

results = []

for method in ["bm25", "single_vector", "colbertv2", "answerai_colbert"]:
  for chunk_size in range(100, 2100, 100):
    mrr, recall = do_retrieval(method, chunk_size, data_no_html, load_benchmark(), questions)
    results.append(('no HTML', method, chunk_size, mrr, recall))

df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['data', 'method', 'chunk_size', 'MRR@10', 'Recall@10'])
df.to_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-11-29-fastbook-benchmark-results_no HTML.csv", index=False)

Data: No Punctuation

results = []

for method in ["bm25", "single_vector", "colbertv2", "answerai_colbert"]:
  for chunk_size in range(100, 2100, 100):
    mrr, recall = do_retrieval(method, chunk_size, data_no_punc, process_contexts(benchmark), questions)
    results.append(('no punctuation', method, chunk_size, mrr, recall))

df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['data', 'method', 'chunk_size', 'MRR@10', 'Recall@10'])
df.to_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-11-29-fastbook-benchmark-results_no punctuation.csv", index=False)

Analyzing Results

Load saved results CSVs
no_pp = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-11-29-fastbook-benchmark-results_no preprocessing.csv")
no_html = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-11-29-fastbook-benchmark-results_no HTML.csv")
no_punc = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/2024-11-29-fastbook-benchmark-results_no punctuation.csv")
df = pd.concat([no_pp, no_html, no_punc])
(240, 5)

Best Overall MRR@10

Surprisingly, full text search had the highest-overall MRR@10 with 0.67 for 2000-token chunks, for text with punctuation removed.

df[df['MRR@10'] == df['MRR@10'].max()]
data method chunk_size MRR@10 Recall@10
19 no punctuation bm25 2000 0.668046 0.94315

Best Overall Recall@10

Full text search also yielded the best overall Recall@10 at 95%, also at a chunk size of 2000 tokens, but for text with no preprocessing on it (other than splitting the notebook into 2-3 chunks). Wow!

df[df['Recall@10'] == df['Recall@10'].max()]
data method chunk_size MRR@10 Recall@10
19 no preprocessing bm25 2000 0.658541 0.95493

Analyzing Metrics by Chunk Size Range

I care about chunk size because eventually I am going to pass on the retrieved context to an LLM for answer generation and context size will dictate latency and potentially performance.

df['category'] = pd.cut(df['chunk_size'], bins=[100, 500, 1000, 2000], labels=['small', 'medium', 'large'], include_lowest=True)


Chunk Size Category Retrieval Method MRR@10 Chunk Size Dataset
Small (100-500 tokens) answer-colbert-small-v1 0.59 500 tokens No punctuation
Medium (501-1000 tokens) ColBERTv2 0.61 600 tokens No punctuation
Large (1001-2000 tokens) Full text search 0.67 2000 tokens No punctuation

Interesting to note:

  • 600 tokens was the best-performing chunk size for medium chunks.
  • In all three cases, text without punctuation resulted in the best MRR@10.


Chunk Size Category Retrieval Method Recall@10 Chunk Size Data
Small (100-500 tokens) answer-colbert-small-v1 0.88 500 tokens No punctuation
Medium (501-1000 tokens) Full text search 0.92 1000 tokens No preprocessing
Large (1001-2000 tokens) Full text search 0.95 2000 tokens No preprocessing

Interesting to note:

  • The highest chunk size in each range yielded the best MRR@10.
  • Text without punctuation worked best for small chunks while unprocessed text worked best for medium and large chunks.

Visualizing Metrics by Chunk Size and Method

Show plot_metrics function
def plot_metrics(df, metric="MRR@10"):'seaborn-v0_8-bright')
  fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 6))
  colors = ['#268BD2', '#DC322F', '#859900', '#6C71C4']

  for i, dataset in enumerate(['no preprocessing', 'no HTML', 'no punctuation']):
    data_df = df[df['data'] == dataset]

    for j, method in enumerate(sorted(data_df['method'].unique())):
      method_data = data_df[data_df['method'] == method]
      axs[i].plot(method_data['chunk_size'], method_data[metric],
                        linestyle='--', linewidth=2,
      #axs[i].scatter(method_data['chunk_size'], method_data[metric], color=colors[j], s=25)

      axs[i].set_xlabel('Chunk Size (Tokens)', fontsize=14)
      axs[i].set_ylabel('Score' if i == 0 else '', fontsize=14)
      axs[i].set_title(dataset.replace('no ', 'No '), fontsize=16, pad=10)
      axs[i].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=14)
      axs[i].grid(True, alpha=0.8)
      axs[i].set_xlim(50, 2050)
      if metric == 'MRR@10': axs[i].set_ylim(0.15, 0.7)
      else: axs[i].set_ylim(0.4, 1.0)
  handles, labels = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels()
  fig.legend(handles, labels, loc='right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 0.5), fontsize=18)

  fig.suptitle(f"fastbook-benchmark {metric} by Chunk Size", fontsize=24, y=1.05)


  • All semantic search methods peak at a chunk size of ~500 tokens.
  • Full text search (BM25) mostly monotonically improves with chunk size.
  • Single-vector cosine simililarity is the worst-performing method after ~250 tokens.
  • For semantic search methods, in general, answerai-colbert-small-v1 > ColBERTv2 > Single-vector cosine similarity.
plot_metrics(df, metric="Recall@10")


  • When the data is not preprocessed, all semantic search methods’ Recall@10 decreases from ~500 tokens to ~1000 tokens, then increase again to 2000 tokens.
  • After 500 tokens, full text search (BM25) has the best Recall@10 for most of the way.

Final Thoughts

This was an incredibly awesome experience. I did a couple iterations of these experiments before this notebook, each time refactoring my approach so that I could relatively concisely run these chunk size experiments. That process was tough at times but really rewarding.

My three main takeaways:

  • For small chunks, answerai-colbert-small-v1 has the best MRR@10 and Recall@10.
  • For medium chunks, use ColBERTv2 for the best MRR@10 and full text search for the best Recall@10.
  • For large chunks, full text search has the best MRR@10 and Recall@10.

I expect to try out all of these approaches after I integrate an LLM to turn this information retrieval pipeline to a RAG pipeline. My hypothesis is that smaller chunks will yield better responses from the LLM since there will be less “noise” and more “signal” in the context.